100 important facts related to Indus Valley Civilization
1. The first remnants of Harappan civilization were found from a place called Harappa. This civilization was called Harappan civilization due to the remains obtained from a place called Harappa.
2. Harappan civilization flourished from 2500 BCE to 1500 BCE. Carbon dating method was used to find the date of the Harappan civilization.
3. The Harappan civilization is considered the first urban civilization of the Indian subcontinent.
4. Harappan civilization got the name of Indus Valley Civilization due to the excavation of its major city Mohenjodaro. Because Mohenjodaro was excavated on the banks of the Indus River. Due to this Indus River, it came to be called Indus Valley Civilization.
5. Some of the major cities of the Indus Valley Civilization were discovered on the banks of rivers whose names and rivers are as follows
Major city rivers
Harappan Ravi River
Mohenjodaro Indus River
Lothal Bogwa River
Kalibanga Ghaggar River
Ropar Sutlej River
Alamgirpur Hindon River
Kunal Saraswati River
Banwali Saraswati River
Chanhudaro Indus River
6. The Indus Valley Civilization extended from Jammu in the north to the banks of the Narmada in the south and from Makran beach of Balochistan in the west to Meerut in the northeast.
7. The area of the Indus civilization was 12,99,600 square kilometers and the shape was triangular.
8. The Indus civilization was a larger civilization than the Egypt civilization.
9. Indus Valley Civilization is called Bronze Age Civilization.
10. The cities of Indus civilization and their explorers are as follows.
City explorer
Harappa Dayaram Sahni
Mohenjodaro Ram Ladakh Banerjee
Lothal Ranganath Rao
Kalibanga Brajwasi Lal, Amlanand Ghosh
Banwali Ravindra Singh Bisht
Ropar Yakshadutt Sharma
Chanhudaro Gopal Majumdar
11. The urban configuration method of the Indus Valley Civilization was based on the ‘Grid System’.
12. The streets of the cities of the Indus civilization used to be wide and straight and cut each other at right angles.
13. Most Harappans used to make their houses of two floors.
14. The main doors of these houses used to open towards the road outside.
15. Architecture in India was started by Indus people.
16. The name of the largest building of the Indus civilization is Annagar, which was found through the excavation of Mohenjodaro.
17. A huge bathroom has also been found by excavation of Mohenjodaro.
18. The floors of the houses of the people of the Indus civilization were usually raw, only some concrete floors have been found from Kalibanga.
19. The credit of cultivating cotton for the first time in the world goes to the people of the Indus.
20. Indus civilization also knew to cultivate rice and millet, evidence of rice and millet has been found from Lothal.
21. Lothal was a place that was the major port of the Indus civilization.
22. Based on the evidence of the solution from Banavali, it can be said that these people also knew how to solve the solution.
23. Evidence of footwear in the excavation of Kalibanga has also been found.
24. Indus residents were familiar with elephants and horses but could not make them useless.
25. Excavation of Surkotada has given evidence of the existence of the horse.
26. In the excavation of Chanhudaro, the claws of a dog chasing a cat on a brick have also been found.
27. Indus dwellers had knowledge of rhinoceros, monkeys, bears, etc. wild animals, but the king of the jungle did not know the lion.
28. The currency system was not in vogue at the time of Indus civilization.
29. These people used to do business on the basis of purchase and sale barter.
30. The people of the Indus civilization also traded with the people of other civilizations. They traded copper, silver, gold, glass, etc. These people used to trade in Afghanistan, Iran, South India.
31. Based on the evidence found from the excavation of Harappa, it can be said that this civilization was in the hands of merchants and craftsmen.
32. By the year 1999, 1056 cities of the Indus civilization had been discovered. It was due to the discovery of 1056 cities, where did this civilization go to the urban civilization.
33. Sindhu residents used gold, silver, copper, metal in their jewelry and also they wore jewelry made of precious stones with great fervor.
34. The people of the Indus civilization did not build temples, it can be said that because of the excavation till now, no evidence of a single temple has been found.
35. Harappans mainly worshiped hump bull.
36. Harappans also worshiped trees, it can be said on the basis of the evidence of peepal and acacia trees found from the excavation.
37. Indus residents knew how to make the swastik symbol. Excavation of Mohenjodaro has found the swastika symbol on a stamp.
38. The script of the Indus civilization was expressive.
39. The first attempt to read the Indus script was made by L A vadel.
40. The script of the Indus civilization has not yet been understood.
41. Indus dwellers used to use birds, fish, anthropomorphism, etc. while writing Indus script was written from right to left.
42. Indus civilization has been considered of ProHistoric era.
43. The main inhabitants of the Indus civilization were the Dravidians and the Mediterranean.
44. Most sites of Indus civilization have been discovered in Gujarat.
45. The people of the Indus civilization had set up factories to make bead.
46. Evidence of factories has been obtained from Lothal and Chanhudado.
47. Wheat and Joe were the main crops of the Indus civilization.
48. Indus civilization used to have a ratio of 16 in the weight unit.
49. The people of the Indus civilization used to worship the earth, it is believed that the Indus people used to worship the mother earth to increase the fertility of their fields.
50. The mother of the Indus civilization was also worshiped.
51. The Indus civilization was a mother-dominated civilization.
52. It is said that Pardapratha was prevalent in the Indus civilization.
53. In terms of area, Mohenjodaro was the largest city of the Indus civilization.
54. On the basis of major evidence found from the excavation of Harappan sites, it can be said that the Harappans knew to do skilled workmanship.
55. Harappan city was discovered in 1921 by Dayaram Sahni.
56. Some important things have been obtained from the excavation of Harappa such as a bull made of conch, a statue of Nataraja, a picture of a snake pressed into the foot, a picture of a fisherman, etc.
57. Mohenjodaro was discovered in 1922 by Rakhal Das Banerjee.
58. Mohenjodaro’s excavations have also yielded some important things. For example, evidence of concrete bricks, a bronze dancer id, CD, etc. have been found.
59. Mohenjodaro is also called the mound of the dead.
60. Important evidence has also been found from Lothal, the major city of the Indus Civilization, Lothal has received the duck, reindeer, gorilla, two-faced demon-marking postures.
61. One of the major cities of the Indus civilization is Kalibanga, which is located in Rajasthan on the banks of the river Ghagghar.
62. Kalibanga literally means ‘black bangles’.
63. Evidence of Harappan civilization developed from Kalibanga.
64. Shoe fields, evidence of mustard has also been obtained from Kalibanga. Evidence of a horned deity has also been found from Kalibanga.
65. The practice of burying dogs with humans was also prevalent in the Indus civilization. Evidence of one such practice has been obtained from Ropar.
66. A toy with plow shape has been received from Banawali in Haryana, which is also of good quality.
67. Sindhuwasi was also interested in sports.
68. Indus people knew the game of chess.
69. Indus civilization is also known as ‘Indus Saraswati’ civilization, so it is said that because of the civilization of Saraswati river, evidence of this civilization has also been found.
70. Due to the use of bronze for the first time, this civilization is called Bronze Age Civilization.
71. The main occupation of the people of the Indus civilization was based on agriculture. These people, who used to cultivate millet, rice, cotton etc.
72. Female statues of burnt clay have been found in large numbers in Harappa. An idol depicts a plant growing out of a woman’s womb. According to scholars, this is the statue of the earth goddess.
73. Only 3 percent of the Harappan civilization has been discovered so far known excavation.
74. Evidence of couple burial has been found from Lothal, it can be said on the basis of the evidence that the practice of Sati was prevalent in Hindu civilization.
75. Evidence of nepotism, rebirth, etc. have also been found in the Indus civilization.
76. Most of the houses of the Harappan people were made of concrete bricks.
77. In the Indus civilization, the cultivation of fruits was very less.
78. Based on the evidence of bullock cart toys from Banawali, it can be said that these people used bullock carts for farming.
79. The main reason for progress of Harappan culture was the self-reliance of the people there.
80. According to sources, most of the people of the Harappan Valley had a prosperous life. In Harappa, the system of aggregation of resources became the reason for the development of culture.
81. The contemporary civilization of this civilization was Mesopotamia.
82. Idols of innumerable goddesses have been found at Harappa and Mohenjodaro. These idols are of Mother Goddess or Prakriti Devi.
83. Excavations done here have shown what was the situation of Hinduism in ancient times.
84. Indus Valley Civilization is considered to be the most mysterious civilization in the world, as the reasons for its decline have not yet been revealed.
85. The Harappan civilization was first discovered by Charles Mason in the year 1842. After this, Daya Ram Sahni made the official discovery of Harappa in 1921.
86. Many such things have been found from Harappa, which can be linked to Hinduism. A statue of a priest, bull, Nandi, Matri Devi, bullock cart and Shivling etc. are symbols of Hinduism.
87. During the excavation in 1940, MS Vats of the archaeological department found a Shiva Linga which is about 5000 years old.
88. Mohenjodaro is also called the garden of Sindh.
89. It is believed that Mohenjodaro was founded 4616 years ago.
90. According to historians, the creators of the Harappan civilization were the Dravidians.
91. According to the historians, the credit of growing cotton for the first time is given to the Harappans.
92. The moharo received from the Harappan civilization has the status of the best artifacts.
93. Harappans used red color on earthen utensils.
94. In order to prevent the leakage of water in the huge bathhouse obtained from Mohenjodaro, a layer of charcoal was mounted on the bricks of gypsum over the bricks, which shows that they were also aware of the charcoal.
95. According to the survey of the Archaeological Department, people of the Harappan Valley were struggling with various diseases in the last time of the Harappan period.
96. In the last time, the Indus people were mainly suffering from a disease called carnio-facial trauma, the disease was rapidly failing.
97. It is said that the people of Harappa Valley did not remain healthy despite being financially prosperous.
98. Indus civilization collapsed around 1500 BC.
99. After the formation of Pakistan in 1947, Mohenjodaro and Harappa, the two major cities of the Indus civilization, became part of Pakistan.
100. Dholavira is the main site of Indus civilization in India.