Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore To Inspire your Life

Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore To Inspire Your Life

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The facts are many, but the truth is one.

Service to man is also service to God.

When age only thinks, it becomes youth.

It is easy to give advice, but difficult to tell the solution.

These trees are the earth’s attempt to speak to heaven.

Music bridges the gap between two souls.

We have been given life and we earn it by giving it.

Freedom from the bondage of soil is not freedom for the tree.

The depth of friendship does not depend on the length of introduction.

It is very easy to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple.

15 Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore To Inspire your Life
15 Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore To Inspire your Life

We live in the world when we love this world.

The artist exposes himself in art, not the artwork.

If you close the doors to all mistakes the truth will remain out.

Love does not claim authority, but offers freedom.

We get freedom when we pay its full price.

When we are humble we are closest to greatness.

Faith is that bird which feels the light even in the darkness of the morning.

The artist is a lover of nature, hence he is its slave as well as its master.

The flower may be alone but it is never jealous of the thorns.

You do not collect the beauty of a flower by plucking its petals.

We come closest to greatness when we are great in humility.

15 Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore To Inspire your Life (11)
Young Rabindra Nath Tagore

Patriotism cannot become our last spiritual refuge, my refuge is humanity. I will not buy glass for the price of diamonds and will not let patriotism triumph over humanity as long as I am alive.

Death is not the extinguishing of light. This is just extinguishing the lamp at dawn.

Through art a person exposes himself, not his objects.

It’s easy to say nothing when you don’t wait to tell the whole truth.

When I laugh at myself, the burden on me becomes much lighter.

You cannot cross the ocean if you just stand and look at the water.
The one who cannot clearly express the pain of his heart gets more angry.

Dust has the ability to bear its insults and gives the gift of flowers in return.

What is art? It is the response of the creative soul of man to the call of reality.

Whatever is ours comes to us if we are capable of receiving it.

Fanaticism seeks to keep truth safe in the hands of those who want to kill it.

The moon spreads its light across the sky but keeps its stigma to itself.

Universities are factories for making great men and teachers are the artisans who make them.

15 Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore To Inspire your Life (8)

God may get bored with big empires but he never gets angry with small flowers.

A butterfly does not count months, but every moment. Because of this he has enough time.

Don’t stop to collect flowers. Move forward, flowers will continue to bloom on your path.

Whatever is ours reaches us only when we develop the ability to accept it.

Just as a nest shelters a sleeping bird, silence shelters your speech.

Don’t limit a child’s knowledge to your own because he was born in a different time.

People who are too busy doing good do not find time to be good themselves.

Every difficulty from which you turn your back will become a ghost and disturb your sleep.

The breaking of the idol and turning into dust proves that God’s dust is greater than your idol.

15 Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore To Inspire your Life (9)
Last Image of Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore

The children, running out of the solemn gloom of the temple, sit in the dust, the Lord watches them play and forgets the priest.

I dreamed that life was bliss. I woke up and found that life is service. I served and found that there is joy in service.

The highest education is that which not only gives us information but also brings our life in harmony with all existence.

Let us not pray that dangers will not befall us, but let us pray that we may face them boldly.

15 Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore To Inspire your Life
Painting By Rabindra Nath Tagore

Always keep moving forward while doing work and do not worry unnecessarily about the results and the hard work done never goes in vain.

The mind that merely reasons is like a knife. Which has only blade. It injures the person using it.

If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from even seeing the stars.

Love is the only reality, it is not just an emotion but it is an ultimate truth which resides in the heart since the time of creation.

The water kept in a vessel always shines and the sea water is always dark in color. The words of small truth are always clear, the great truth remains silent.

15 Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore To Inspire your Life (6)
Painting By Rabindra Nath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore’s views on education

“Luxury is the burden of other people’s habits, the burden of vicarious pride and joy that parents receive through their children.”

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to bring rain or storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” – Rabindranath Tagore

“The highest education is that which not only gives us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.”

“First of all, children should acquire knowledge through their own lives because children love their life, and this is their first love. All its colors and motions attract their eager attention, and then they will sacrifice their lives to attain knowledge.”

“Everything that is ours comes to us if we create the capacity to receive it.” – Ravind

“It is not how to erase all differences, but how to unite while maintaining all differences.”

“It feels like I have loved you forever, in countless forms, countless times, life after life, age after age.” – Rabindranath Tagore

The one who plants a tree, knowing that he will never sit under its shade, has at least begun to understand the meaning of life.

15 Quotes By Rabindra Nath Tagore To Inspire your Life (4)
Title: She,Painting By Rabindra Nath Tagore

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