A. Ramachandran

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Ramachandran was born (1935) in Kerala. He used to participate in singing programs on All India Radio. After some time, he passed M.A. in Malayalam from Kerala University.

Then due to his interest in painting, he went to Shanti Niketan and passed the diploma examination in painting from there in 1961.

During this period, he organized his first solo exhibition in Delhi in 1960. After returning from Shantiniketan, he worked on a research project on the murals of Kerala.

After this, he organized many exhibitions in the country and abroad and also painted two murals in Delhi. He also continues to write and illustrate children’s books.

You have also designed many stamps of the Postal Department and have received awards on them. You have also traveled to England, Russia and Japan in connection with art exhibitions.

At present you are the Chairman of the Arts Department at Jamia Islamia Delhi. You often like to work on large canvases.

Earlier you used to specially make shapes giving the effect of a flesh-and-bone ribcage. In these, the expressionist method has been resorted to through distortion.

Iconography, The Grave Diggers and. Entombments are his main paintings of this type. These express the destructive tendencies of humans of the present era.

‘Iconography’ is more about drawing, there is no reference to colours. In ‘Shray Diggers’ the corpse lying in the grave has a face but the diggers have only bodies, no heads: even the angels in the sky are headless; He is also involved in the process of digging man’s grave by man.

Among the murals made by A. Ramachandran, ‘Yayati’ is an epic mural in which the muscular beauty of girls has been depicted in attractive forms.

Regarding this fresco, a critic has written that Ramachandran has not only thought about Yayati, but has also seen him in the sannyasi environment of the temporary residence of a banjara having multiple wives.

From a technical point of view, Ramachandran is interested in the body and its structure, body, masculinity and surfaces. In his works, shapes are felt like density, surfaces appear wide and deep and the structure of the body made of light-dark colors shows rich colors. .

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