Life-Changing Motivational Quotes by Sandeep Maheshwari

1.  “SMILE to change the World, don’t let the World change your SMILE.” — Sandeep Maheshwari

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2. “Success is not an event, it’s a thought process.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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3.  “The moment you start valuing yourself, the world will start valuing you.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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4.  “Countless career options are available for those who are smart enough to understand the meaning of smart work.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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5. “Control your mind, or it will control you.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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6. “You are the creator of your own destiny.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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7.  “Control your mind, or it will control you.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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8. “There is only one way to rise in the game of life, fall in love with it.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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9. “You might have failed, but you’re not a failure until you give up.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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10. “Be not afraid of growing slowly. Be afraid only of standing still.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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11. “Think about what’s really important to you in life, make that your priority.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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12. “The ultimate goal of life is to be happy and share happiness with others.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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13. “Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine any brighter.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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14. “Focus can change destiny.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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15. “Be powerful not to dominate others but to conquer yourself.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

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