Gulam Mohammad Sheikh | Biography | Life | Artworks
‘Speechless City’ By Gulammohammed Sheikh
The paintings of Gulam Sheikh are highly fascinating in their pictorial elements and sparkling color. There is a blend of the pictorial characteristics of both Islamic and Rajput miniatures along with the lustrous and elegant traditions of Persian art, Also noticeable are suggestions of European realism and Italian surrealistic elements. The paintings are lively and known for their narrative quality, extended sense of space and agitating action—imaginatively juxtaposing simultaneous happenings inside and outside or on earth and in the sky, in various sections of the pictorial format.
The descriptive draughtsmanship and the refined elegance of color and composition are distinguished elements of his later, mature style. Although the laying of pigments in his later works, is rather sparse, the paintings, nevertheless, show an innate fusion of the imaginary and the real, as for instance in his Journeys and Passages.
Gulam Mohammad Sheikh
A simple commentary cannot uncover the breadth and intensity of the philosophic and poetic content in his works that seems to be a total statement of his being. For, his paintings carry us to and from anxiety to enchantment, and melancholy contemplation to happy reverie.
GULAM MOHAMMED SHEIKH- Between Memory and Music
Like the romantics, his mind returns to fantastic stories and events, whether these are tales from the Arabian Nights Of anecdotes from his own surroundings. But he never transposes these elements In an ordinarily perceived manner. He suffuses his work with metaphorical symbols, substituting vision for perception. An amazing assemblage of symbols in vivid colors characterizes his paintings.
Gulam Mohammad Sheikh-Sursagar
In his essentially poetic work, Gulam Sheikh fuses reality and dreams into a new reality, a surreality. The philosophical implications are apparent in the Passage that forms a series. He has employed a dramatic method of picturing the three dimensions of objects or things on a nearly accurate scale.
Gulam Mohammad Sheikh Working On His Mural
There are pictures within pictures of relative or receding distances, and there is a linear perspective without vanishing points. His paintings are the most sumptuous realization of romantic elements, leading to the mysterious paths within us to reach the strange landscape with luxuriant trees as well as streets and towns seen from far above—the bird’s eye- view perspective.
Painting By Gulam Mohammad Sheikh
The dramatic scale, the rich color, liberal use of decorative detail and ornament make his paintings alluring and exciting. Gulam Sheikh has revitalized the traditional formalistic approach and certain stylistic elements in a lavish rendering of life and nature, I-Ie lends a quality of imageability to his paintings which gives them a high probability of evoking a strong image in the mind of the viewer.
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